Are you ready to drastically improve patient outcomes in your practice?

  • 85% of Type 2 Diabetics eliminate or down regulate medications in 6-12 weeks

  • The average decline of HgbA1C after 6 weeks on PrescriptFit was 2.83

  • The average decline of triglycerides after 6 weeks on PrescriptFit was 97.2

  • The average increase of HDL after 6 weeks on PrescriptFit was 4.6

Become the next PrescriptFit Provider

In every medical text, Medical Nutrition Therapy is first line treatment for many conditions you treat in your practice.

The perfect program has already been developed and perfected for years. The results have been clinically proven.

All you have to do is prescribe it to your patients, bill for their visit, and generate additional income from the sales of PrescriptFit!

What other providers have to say

Provider FAQ

  • Yes. Medical Nutrition Therapy is certainly billable and our team can help provide you with the proper information for getting these appointments covered.

  • Absolutely. We have developed an extremely simple food program that is to be used in conjunction with the PrescriptFit supplements. With the material provided to you, you can explain this program in under ten minutes. We can train your staff to administer this counseling-- fast.

  • Absolutely! PrescriptFit is the perfect nutrition plan to use in conjunction with weight loss medications to help produce more sustainable weight loss in patients. The PrescriptFit program target the behavioral changes needed to make weight loss last long-term while ensuring the patient is getting enough nutrition to support their overall long term health.

  • Insurance can be billed for MNT visits and the sales of PrescriptFit in your clinic will generate additional income. Not only will your practice become more profitable, but your patient outcomes will be better than ever.

    Want more information? Read our ProForma.

  • Reach out to us at the form below. We will be in touch to schedule a day to set up!

    Your first wholesale investment includes a full initial clinic setup: one case (12 each) of each PrescriptFit product. After your initial setup, wholesale accounts can purchase one case at a time.

    In addition to your initial PrescriptFit order, we provide all teaching materials necessary for your patients to get started.

  • As a healthcare provider, we know you're busy. You will have access to us via call, text, and email at anytime, even after hours. With decades of counseling under our belts, let us act as a valuable resource for your success!

Let’s Get Started