It’s actually quite simple.

Ready to get started?

By using the PrescriptFit supplements with a simple and straightforward food plan, you can meet your goals— fast.

The Food Plan


Eating from only the green food group will yield the fastest weight loss and improvement in your health. 

You can eat as much of these foods per day as you like. No portion control, no calorie counting, and no strict meal structure. Use at least 8 scoops of PrescriptFit (shakes, soups, or puddings) per day and eat as much from these food groups as you like. Just be the sure the foods are boiled, broiled, grilled, or baked and cooked with no added fats or oils.  


Eating from the green AND yellow food groups may slow some people’s progress. 

Nuts and fruit have many health benefits, but they are not always conducive to weight loss or blood sugar regulation. These foods can be a very healthy addition to your diet when used in moderation. 


If you start eating from the red food group, your progress could stop altogether, or you may experience weight gain and/or health conditions and symptoms worsen. 

We recommend avoiding these foods until you’ve reached your goal— at which point you can introduce these foods into two splurge meals per week. A splurge meal is anything you care to eat in one sitting


  • A: Absolutely. PrescriptFit has been used to treat Type 2 Diabetes for over 20 years. The micronized amino acids help to rapidly normalize blood sugar, helping patients down-regulate or totally elimiate their Type 2 Diabetes medications. It is recommended that patients using this program/product for disease management be overseen by a physician while on the program.

  • Absolutely! PrescriptFit is the perfect nutrition plan to use in conjunction with weight loss medications to help produce more sustainable weight loss. The PrescriptFit program targets the behavioral changes needed to make weight loss last long-term while ensuring you're getting enough nutrition to support your overall health and keep the weight off.

Want some additional tips & tricks for success?

Bottom Line?

We keep it pretty simple. The PrescriptFit food plan teaches you which foods will give you the results you want. This strategy allows you to navigate the food groups independently and establish a long term plan that is realistic and sustainable for your lifestyle.